Saturday, March 30, 2013

My New Air Purifier

Yesterday I got a air purifier. 

This is what it looks like!
It has a light that is a blue color.

It comes with these fragrances.   

This is the box it came in.


Thursday, March 28, 2013

My New Cage

I got a new an extension on for my guinea pig cage today!

Here it is!!!
And here is another picture of it!

And this is a picture of the hay rack I made out of a grid. (Technically my dad made it by bending the grid!)

That's all for now!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013


In eight days I am going to start volleyball, and I just wanted to see witch one you like better? Volleyball or basketball?

That's all for now!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

My Baby Calf

Today my dad gave me a calf! 

Here he is!!!

His name is Josh.

Isn't he cute?

That's all for now!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Go Imperials!!!

Napoleon  Imperials went to state! First time in 35 years!!!! They won the first game on Thurs and lost the game on Fri :( and today they lost, but we got 4th place!!!!!!!!!

I have not been sewing, but I got some new pictures of my guinea pigs and puppies!!!!!

Here are my puppies!

The little one's name is Caesar and the big one is London.

And here are my guinea pigs.

My baby Quinn <3

Rambunctious Lilac AKA: MONSTER

A bundle of them!!!!

And cute little Carly.

Hope you liked my post!
Have a good day!