Monday, August 23, 2010

Paint horse

Things about Paint horses.
paint horses are beautiful orange and white . Its height is 14.2 - 16.2 high . A special quality is a gentle temperament . It is best suited for ranch work and trail riding.

This is a picture of a paint horse. 


  1. Hi Olivia. My name is Hannah. I have a blog of my own. I loved the video of the baby goats! My blog is called Hannah' I was hoping you would check it out. Hannah:)

  2. I'm using the profile Anonymous because I don't know what to use. I belive in God as well as you do. Hannah:)

  3. hi olivia. my name is melody and I own a paint mare name kachina. she was rescued from a slaughter house when she was nine months old, she is now four years old and my best friend also a big part of my family, and loved beyond belief. she's dun and white with a black mane and tail. but the best thing is she is so smart.

  4. hi olivia. My name is alexandra and i am from sweden. I`m 12 years old. Can i get ananda your pictures into a design and lay out your horses on a horse site called THANKS /Alexandra

  5. Very nice blog. Im from finland

  6. The paint horse is one of my fave horses but i like other horses like the black stalyan
    but your blog is awsome.I work on a farm as well.But i look after goats. ;-]

  7. Thank you for all the nice comments!!!
